Thursday, February 21, 2013


This is the fish that I made. It was done with stop-frame animation. It was my first ever attempt; I liked it a lot.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Touching up and Editing

This is a retouching picture we did. Basically what we did was remove blemishes and freckles from her face. After some blurring and erasing on new layers, we flattened the image and made everything one layer. Overall, it was a basic yet important exercise

Our teacher gave us a picture that had directions around it, like the one posted on top. The directions told us what to do and how to edit it. As we completed each step, we would have to delete the directions around them. My edits are the ones on the bottom. This was a fun one.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kool-Aid man

This is one of the best stop motion videos to ever set foot on earth. We did the Kool-Aid guy because Kool-Aid is oh so good. We tried to make him look like he's walking. I will let you be the judge of how well we did.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

40 in all

For this next project we had to pick 20 inanimate objects and 20 objects. My inamimate ones are jello, fire, trees, wire, camera, paper, afro, char, pencil, CD, stereo, scissors, car, truck, building, paintbrush, book/pages, shoe(s), airplane, and fruit.
My animate ones are fish, plant, human, the head of something, dog, flower, tree, cat, animal, unicorn, someone singing, duck, a musician, a horse, a shark, cuberus, medusa bird.
We have to pick one thing from the animate object list and one from the inanamite object list and pair them up, showing irony, juxtaposition, etc.
I have picked a human and a tree. I was inspired by a mask/gloves that my favorite drummer wore. I really like how it turned out. The reason for the birds was I thought it gave a certain mood to the picture. The swing was the very last thing I put in and I was afraid that it would be too much. The birds and the swinger were not in my original idea.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This is what you get when you mix a duck, giraffe, and a chameleon. This took a while to do, as I had to make it look like one uniform animal. I had to make the chameleon tail not show any edges to where it contacts. I had to do two patches of giraffe skin on the duck. It was a fun and interesting project.